Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Thursday, April 26, 2012


I decided to do this look after studying Oedipus Rex in theatre. I wondered about the stage makeup, and how you would adapt it for film. I tried this look before on my self by just blackening my eyes out, adding some latex flesh and blood around the edges, then closing my eyes to give the illusion of holes. This did not work, however. So I tried it again. This time I made two prosthetics for the eye holes. I applied them with pros-aide, then blended with casting latex. I added a few layers of flesh colors to blend even more, then filled in the holes with a dark black powder. To top off the look, I added fake blood to make it look that much more gory. In this process I learned how to make prosthetics “disappear’ on the skin, which was something I was horrible at. This was also my first time having another person to practice a look on, which was exciting and made thing A LOT easier.


This look I found on a DIY film making site called Indy Mogul. The look consist of white cream makeup, blue eye shadow, purple eyeliner, black cake makeup, liquid latex, salt, and shaving cream. A thin layer of white goes on first to make the face seem pale and drained of blood; then the blue, black, and purple create bruising affects and also to make the flesh appear cold and almost lifeless. The final effect is to use liquid latex to stick salt crystals on the cheeks and forehead to give the illusion of ice crystals, then put streaks of shaving cream in the hair to look like frost. It is a very simple and easy look, but effective. Though most of the fx makeup I have done so far is horror fx, like gashes and scars, a frozen look can be used for a number of scenes. It can be used for a survival movie, horror movie, or even a romantic movie (like The Titanic).